Steamboat Asian Food
The most important part of any Asian meal is the accompanying side dishes, and this is where Steamboat excels. Traditional Chinese and Japanese noodle soups are the basis of this traditional dish, and the broth used to cook them is typically infused with herbs and spices. You’ll also find a wide variety of rice and fried vegetable dishes here. Even though it might take a little time to prepare and assemble, the dish is a breeze to create.
Steamboat is more commonly known as “hot pot” in Southeast Asian countries, but in North America it’s known as a steamboat. The Chinese call it “huo guo” and it’s a large round pot with a built-in tube for the steam to escape. It’s a traditional Chinese meal that’s served communally. If you’re looking for a more modern version, try Paradise Hotpot, which serves steamboat in gold metal pots with an open window. Pork slices are another popular addition, and the seafood is always fresh and delicious.
Thai steamboat is a delicious treat that’s served on a Sunday night. The broth is a rich, aromatic blend of vegetables, thinly sliced meats, and a kaleidoscope of condiments. Kylie Kwong grew up eating Chinese steamboat every Sunday night with her parents. She says it was the best food she’s ever eaten. And she was a vegetarian, which is just as good.